To complete the patch installation procedure, it is necessary to upgrade yours environments. This can be done by using the Administration tool.

WorkItem IDSupport NumbersProduct VersionProductSubSystemFront EndProblem Synopsys
29697Case 000921217.87 cp051 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected display for participants or EA Project
30970Case 000927307.87 cp05<any>Web Front-EndNote in diagram not displaying full text
33756Case 000949097.87 cp051 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)ReportWeb Front-EndReporting Traitement des champs Booléen dans l’export Excel d'un rapport
29599Case 000867257.85 up03 cp05 hf112 - HOPEX Datamart (HDT)Windows and Web Front-EndIncorrect update in datamart (link table)
32001Case 000934137.85 up03 cp02 hf18<any>Unexpected behavior for tiles
33545Case 000945507.87 cp050-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndNotifications are not detailed (follow object changes)
32215Case 000937637.87 cp051 - HOPEX Archimate (HAM)Possible naming issue when importing various Archimate models
29642Case 000921307.87 cp03 hf081 - HOPEX Enterprise Risk Management (ERMW)Property PageWeb Front-EndCannot update objective properties (profile 'GRC functional administrator')
32268Case 000933437.87 cp051 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)AssessmentWeb Front-EndUnexpected status for assessment questionnaire
34464Case 000951557.87 cp051 - HOPEX Enterprise Risk Management (ERMW)TranslationWindows Front-EndIncorrect translation for certain mail contents (Workflow definition 'ERM - Risk workflow', Spanish language)
33604Case 00094108,Case 000941077.85 up03 cp06 hf021 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DiagramWeb Front-EndIncorrect display in report 'Breakdown report' (Technology obsolescence of Application)
32154Case 000937807.87 cp050-All ProductsInstant ReportWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior with drill down (Instant Report, Pie Chart)
34717Case 000952677.87 cp050-All ProductsWindows Front-EndUnexpected error log management actions (delete and consolidate)
31240Case 000930077.87 cp04 hf010-All ProductsWeb ServiceWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior of web services (refresh of Report DataSet)
29229Case 000918517.87 cp051 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Web Front-EndDuplicate tab Characteristics in Event properties (profile 'Enterprise Architect')
25626Case 000891597.87 cp050-All ProductsDiagramWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior with features Show all (diagram refresh needed)
33149Case 000941497.87 cp050-All ProductsAssessmentWeb Front-EndCannot open generated questionnaire (specific data)
33355Case 000946257.87 cp05<any>Unexpected error when creating Profile Assignment (List Persons, Belongs to a Group)
33430Case 000945577.87 cp050-All ProductsReportCheck report is empty on Person (Web Administration Desktop)
30417Case 000922707.85 up03 cp06 hf020-All ProductsAuthentication and Security (Web)Web Front-EndUnexpected naming of users (SSO, IIS Authentication, EmployeeID)
33340Case 000945207.87 cp051 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)WizardWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior when connecting Org-unit to Technology (large volume)
31601Case 000932207.87 cp03 hf080-All ProductsAuthentication and Security (Web)Web Front-EndCannot call custom authentication component (delegatedlogin.aspx)
25343Case 000891467.87 cp050-All ProductsInstant ReportWeb Front-EndIncorrect display of percentage value in Instant Report
32223Case 000938567.87 cp050-All ProductsMigration /UpdateWindows Front-EndImprove warning when upgrading environment to HOPEX V3 CPX from HOPEX V2R1 Update 3 CP6
27334Case 000904227.87 cp05<any>Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected display for name (processing of char. square bracket)
32892Case 000939027.87 cp04 hf01<any>Unexpected display in report 'Exchange Consistency Structure Scenario'
32880Case 000943327.87 cp051 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)Property PageWeb Front-EndCannot reorder Business Capability Realization
34615Case 000952617.87 cp050-All ProductsWorkflowWindows and Web Front-EndIncorrect translation in mail (Workfow Definition 'Action Plan-Bottom up')
31963Case 000937477.87 cp050-All ProductsWeb ConnectionWeb Front-EndUnexpected error displayed on login page (after 15 min)
32682Case 000943207.87 cp02 hf07<any>Cannot run queries with comments inside the code
32341Case 000929847.85 up03 cp06 hf010-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected display in web desktop
31686Case 000922887.87 cp04 hf021 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior in Property Page
33761Case 000947457.87 cp051 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected sort for list of Operation (properties of Organizational Process, specific sort)
19446Case 000849367.87 cp050-All ProductsReportWindows and Web Front-EndDefault value of MetaAttribute of diagram showing in Report DataSet Property even if no diagram
24354Case 000880577.87 cp051 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Import VisioWindows Front-EndMissing links after Visio import (Organizational Process Diagram)
33524Case 000946417.85 up03 cp02 hf190-All ProductsWindows and Web Front-EndError related to dispatch (specific context)
32958Case 000943167.87 cp05<any>TranslationWindows and Web Front-EndString not translated in German language
30947Case 000926837.87 cp051 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DesktopWeb Front-EndPopup menu missing in tree Hierarchy view (Profile IT Architecture Manager)
30874Case 000923937.87 cp050-All ProductsMigration /UpdateWindows Front-EndUnexpected behavior with Conversion of Post to Review notes
32372Case 000925227.87 cp051 - HOPEX DoDAF2 (HDOD2)WizardWeb Front-EndUnexpected display in wizard 'Add system' (DoDAF)
33222Case 000935757.85 up03 cp06 hf021 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)AssessmentWeb Front-EndUnexpected naming of questionnaire (specific data)
26960Case 000903697.87 cp050-All ProductsWeb AdministrationWeb Front-EndError downloading License Report in HOPEX License Management console
33503Case 000930377.87 cp04 hf010-All ProductsWizardWindows Front-EndUnexpected slowness when creating an interaction (large volume)
34471Case 000868837.87 cp051 - HOPEX Internal Audit (MIAW)Property PageWeb Front-EndIncorrect translation for Recommendation Owner (Spanish language )
33470Case 000946627.87 cp04 hf020-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndInconsistent display in custom questionnaire
29807Case 000921187.87 cp050-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndIncorrect code for query 'Controls of an Organizational Processor or its Operations'
31887Case 000929697.87 cp050-All ProductsWindows Front-EndUnexpected reject when importing a MGL file