To complete the patch installation procedure, it is necessary to upgrade yours environments. This can be done by using the Administration tool.

WorkItem IDSupport NumbersProduct VersionProductSubSystemFront EndProblem Synopsys
41765Case 000998597.87 cp05 hf150-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndPosition of fields in property page is altered after migration
29697Case 000921217.85 up03 cp071 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected display for participants or EA Project
41524Case 000997327.87 cp05 hf121 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)Report (MS Word)Windows Front-EndError when inserting a Macro in a RTF Descriptor
30970Case 000927307.87 cp05<any>Web Front-EndNote in diagram not displaying full text
33756Case 000949097.87 cp051 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)ReportWeb Front-EndImprove processing of boolean fields when exporting a report to Excel
42435Case 000995437.87 cp05 hf160-All ProductsImport/Export ExcelWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior when importing to Excel (option 'Import in default library')
29599Case 000867257.85 up03 cp05 hf112 - HOPEX Datamart (HDT)Windows and Web Front-EndIncorrect update in datamart (link table)
38107Case 000978797.87 cp05 hf072 - HOPEX Datamart (HDT)Windows Front-EndError when initializing data of Datamart (Can't open cursor link Assessment Template)
32001Case 000934137.85 up03 cp02 hf18<any>Unexpected behavior for tiles
33545Case 000945507.87 cp050-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndNotifications are not detailed (follow object changes)
32215Case 000937637.87 cp051 - HOPEX Archimate (HAM)Possible naming issue when importing various Archimate models
36960Case 000973027.87 cp05 hf031 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)DesktopWeb Front-EndLoading error when expanding a Class in Mapping Editor
39352Case 000985077.87 cp05 hf070-All ProductsReport (MS Word)Windows Front-EndIncorrect display of bullets when running RTF descriptor (bullet, special char.)
29642Case 000921307.87 cp03 hf081 - HOPEX Enterprise Risk Management (ERMW)Property PageWeb Front-EndCannot update objective properties (profile 'GRC functional administrator')
34002Case 000946267.87 cp05 hf011 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)ReportWeb Front-EndUnexpected error when running Dendrogram Report
32268Case 000933437.85 up03 cp071 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)AssessmentWeb Front-EndUnexpected status for assessment questionnaire
42580Case 000999537.87 cp05 hf160-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndIncorrect display of floating toolbar in web list (specific data)
34464Case 000951557.87 cp051 - HOPEX Enterprise Risk Management (ERMW)TranslationWindows Front-EndIncorrect translation for certain mail contents (Workflow definition 'ERM - Risk workflow', Spanish language)
33604Case 00094108,Case 000941077.85 up03 cp06 hf021 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DiagramWeb Front-EndIncorrect display in report 'Breakdown report' (Technology obsolescence of Application)
32154Case 000937807.87 cp050-All ProductsInstant ReportWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior with drill down (Instant Report, Pie Chart)
34717Case 000952677.87 cp050-All ProductsWindows Front-EndUnexpected error log management actions (delete and consolidate)
39388Case 000986167.87 cp05 hf142 - HOPEX Datamart (HDT)Windows Front-EndError when initializing data of Datamart
41634Case 000998127.87 cp05 hf15<any>Incorrect display of window 'Users' in Administration.exe (after specific actions related to LDAP server)
31240Case 000930077.87 cp04 hf010-All ProductsWeb ServiceWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior of web services (refresh of Report DataSet)
35886Case 000964097.85 up03 cp071 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)Web Front-EndIncorrect display in property pages of Project Portfolio after connecting a Project
35921Case 000964627.87 cp05 hf01<any>Dataset excel export empty
29229Case 000918517.85 up03 cp071 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Web Front-EndDuplicate tab Characteristics in Event properties (profile 'Enterprise Architect')
25626Case 000891597.87 cp050-All ProductsDiagramWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior with features Show all (diagram refresh needed)
33149Case 000941497.85 up03 cp070-All ProductsAssessmentWeb Front-EndCannot open generated questionnaire (specific data)
33355Case 000946257.87 cp05<any>Unexpected error when creating Profile Assignment (List Persons, Belongs to a Group)
33430Case 000945577.87 cp050-All ProductsReportCheck report is empty on Person (Web Administration Desktop)
41532Case 000997547.87 cp05 hf13<any>Authentication and Security (Web)Improve OpenID authentication (UAS)
30417Case 000922707.85 up03 cp06 hf020-All ProductsAuthentication and Security (Web)Web Front-EndUnexpected naming of users (SSO, IIS Authentication, EmployeeID)
33340Case 000945207.87 cp051 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)WizardWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior when connecting Org-unit to Technology (large volume)
41132Case 000995947.87 cp05 hf11<any>Authentication and Security (Web)Internal
31601Case 000932207.87 cp03 hf080-All ProductsAuthentication and Security (Web)Web Front-EndCannot call custom authentication component (delegatedlogin.aspx)
25343Case 000891467.87 cp050-All ProductsInstant ReportWeb Front-EndIncorrect display of percentage value in Instant Report
32223Case 000938567.87 cp050-All ProductsMigration /UpdateWindows Front-EndImprove warning when upgrading environment to HOPEX V3 CPX from HOPEX V2R1 Update 3 CP6
27334Case 000904227.87 cp05<any>Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected display for name (processing of char. square bracket)
32892Case 000939027.87 cp04 hf01<any>Unexpected display in report 'Exchange Consistency Structure Scenario'
32880Case 000943327.87 cp051 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)Property PageWeb Front-EndCannot reorder Business Capability Realization
34615Case 000952617.87 cp050-All ProductsWorkflowWindows and Web Front-EndIncorrect translation in mail (Workfow Definition 'Action Plan-Bottom up')
39630Case 000986877.87 cp05 hf111 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)ReportWeb Front-EndUnexpected text values for Risk in reports
31963Case 000937477.87 cp050-All ProductsWeb ConnectionWeb Front-EndUnexpected error displayed on login page (after 15 min)
32682Case 000943207.87 cp02 hf07<any>Cannot run queries with comments inside the code
32341Case 000929847.85 up03 cp06 hf010-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected display in web desktop
31686Case 000922887.87 cp04 hf021 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior in Property Page
33761Case 000947457.85 up03 cp071 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected sort for list of Operation (properties of Organizational Process, specific sort)
19446Case 000849367.87 cp050-All ProductsReportWindows and Web Front-EndDefault value of MetaAttribute of diagram showing in Report DataSet Property even if no diagram
24354Case 000880577.85 up03 cp071 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Import VisioWindows Front-EndMissing links after Visio import (Organizational Process Diagram)
33524Case 000946417.85 up03 cp02 hf190-All ProductsWindows and Web Front-EndError related to dispatch (specific context)
32958Case 000943167.87 cp05<any>TranslationWindows and Web Front-EndString not translated in German language
30947Case 000926837.87 cp051 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DesktopWeb Front-EndPopup menu missing in tree Hierarchy view (Profile IT Architecture Manager)
39359Case 000980667.87 cp05 hf090-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndImprove performances when loading main menu
30874Case 000923937.85 up03 cp070-All ProductsMigration /UpdateWindows Front-EndUnexpected behavior with Conversion of Post to Review notes
32372Case 000925227.87 cp051 - HOPEX DoDAF2 (HDOD2)WizardWeb Front-EndUnexpected display in wizard 'Add system' (DoDAF)
33222Case 000935757.85 up03 cp06 hf021 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)AssessmentWeb Front-EndUnexpected naming of questionnaire (specific data)
26960Case 000903697.87 cp050-All ProductsWeb AdministrationWeb Front-EndError downloading License Report in HOPEX License Management console
33503Case 000930377.87 cp04 hf010-All ProductsWizardWindows Front-EndUnexpected slowness when creating an interaction (large volume)
34471Case 000868837.87 cp051 - HOPEX Internal Audit (MIAW)Property PageWeb Front-EndIncorrect translation for Recommendation Owner (Spanish language )
38437Case 000981907.87 cp05 hf061 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)Web APIWindows Front-EndIncorrect ID generated by Java API
33470Case 000946627.87 cp04 hf020-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndInconsistent display in custom questionnaire
29807Case 000921187.85 up03 cp070-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndIncorrect code for query 'Controls of an Organizational Processor or its Operations'
31887Case 000929697.85 up03 cp070-All ProductsWindows Front-EndUnexpected reject when importing a MGL file