To complete the patch installation procedure, it is necessary to upgrade yours environments. This can be done by using the Administration tool.

WorkItem IDSupport NumbersProduct VersionProductSubSystemFront EndProblem Synopsys
42322Case 001000757.87 cp060-All ProductsReportWeb Front-EndMissing MetaAssociationEnd when designing Report DataSet Definition (Concept)
44010Case 00100816HOPEX V4.0 CP30-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndCannot load page Home (specific data)
41397Case 00099412HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected arrangement of tiles (page Logical Architecture)
39804Case 000988009.00 CP030-All ProductsWizardWeb Front-EndUnexpected error invalid url when creating external reference url
44201Case 00100871,Case 00100018,Case 00100754,Case 00101328HOPEX V4.0 CP30-All ProductsAuthentication and Security (Web)Web Front-EndUnexpected error when changing password
42999Case 00100552HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX Business Architecture & Strategic Planning (BASP)ReportWeb Front-EndCannot display chapter of report 'PPM - Project Portfolio RoadMap'
40882Case 000993799.00 CP021 - HOPEX LDC (LDC)DesktopWeb Front-EndCannot display tree (Incident by Risk Causality)
40834Case 000993379.00 CP02 hf010-All ProductsAuthentication and SecurityWindows Front-EndInstability in Administration.exe (LDAP Server)
41019Case 000993999.011 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)ReportWeb Front-EndIncorrect color in Assessment Session Follow-Up report
44437Case 001012029.00 CP02 hf030-All ProductsDesktopWindows Front-EndException error when creating a macro in a RTF descriptor
43410Case 001005807.87 cp060-All ProductsWizardWeb Front-EndUnexpected error when creating external reference url (invalid url)
42091Case 001000099.00 CP031 - HOPEX Business Architecture & Strategic Planning (BASP)DesktopWeb Front-EndIncorrect display when refreshing Application on Functionality (profile IT business manager)
42894Case 001003799.00 CP030-All ProductsDesktopWindows Front-EndCannot create folder of object in tree 'Main Objects'
41279Case 000995129.00 CP030-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndReview icon of Business Document
40474Case 000990309.00 CP031 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DiagramWindows and Web Front-EndError loading Business Process Diagram describing Library
41580Case 00099822HOPEX V4.0 CP30-All ProductsWeb ConnectionWeb Front-EndRephrase login page time out message
41131Case 000994979.011 - HOPEX Internal Audit (MIAW)ReportWeb Front-EndIncorrect display for report 'Progress Report' on Action Plan (progress update)
40521Case 000987259.010-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndLogin error when using Time machine
42528Case 00100255,Case 00100334,Case 00100476,Case 001006059.00 CP030-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndCannot see or create Profile Assignment for a user (Web Administration Desktop)
40843Case 00099117HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX Internal Audit (MIAW)DesktopWeb Front-EndCannot find for Audit Activities (Search by object type, Filter)
41410Case 000994379.00 CP031 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)Property PageWindows Front-EndUnexpected delivery regarding CRK
43204Case 00100614HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)DesktopWeb Front-EndCannot filter items in list of Processing Activity for certain columns (Legal entity, Department)
44903Case 001002837.85 up03 cp07 hf07Improve Repository Reorganization process capabilities
38256Case 000978527.87 cp061 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)WizardWeb Front-EndError when running Synchronization (Physical to logical)
44076Case 00100588HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Import VisioWeb Front-EndCannot create System Used targeting Application System with Visio import
39822Case 000988589.00 CP02 hf030-All ProductsLicencingWeb Front-EndIncorrect control of update (command line /RO)
44294Case 00100826,Case 001014379.00 CP02 hf041 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)Web Site (Creation, Generation...)Windows Front-EndError when generation web site in background (execute at dispatch, schedule date)
38790Case 000981689.01<any>Windows Front-EndError when running query
45675Case 00102059HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX Business Architecture & Strategic Planning (BASP)ReportWeb Front-EndDisplay issue in report 'Project impact on Transformation Roadmap'
44172Case 001009709.00 CP031 - HOPEX DoDAF2 (HDOD2)DiagramWindows and Web Front-EndUnexpected name display in Application Structure Diagram ('Physical External Data Store' of type 'File structure')
36875Case 000969147.87 cp06<any>DesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior in properties of Concept
40999Case 000993977.87 cp061 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DiagramWeb Front-EndImprove initialization of Process Diagram (called process)
40878Case 00099343HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DiagramWindows and Web Front-EndIt is no longer possible to connect Organizational Process to Data store
42468Case 001000399.00 CP030-All ProductsDatasetWindows Front-EndCannot insert tag 'Object Metaclass Name' in text of RTF Descriptor
43946Case 001003257.87 cp05 hf180-All ProductsWindows Front-EndError when exporting objects (Invalid Buffer length)
413259.00 CP03<any>Use distinct set of shapes for diagram type Enterprise Stage Strategy (HBAS, BASP)
44164Case 001012397.87 cp06<any>Cannot view or edit query code (Advanced Query > ERQL Mode)
41286Case 00099623,Case 001007409.00 CP031 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DiagramWeb Front-EndRACI value is not displayed in participant header (update from property page)
40632Case 000992149.00 CP030-All ProductsAuthentication and Security (Web)Web Front-EndSystem MetaClass not filtered (IRM Contributor)
35105Case 000956587.87 cp061 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected display of tab for Org-unit and Application
35377Case 000954197.87 cp060-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndCannot open Items with Desktop HOPEX Explorer (Business Document, External Reference url, Report (MS Word))
44584Case 001012349.00 CP02 hf051 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Import/Export (HOPEX Files)Windows and Web Front-EndError when exporting to Excel (Export wizard, custom template)
41823Case 000998757.87 cp062 - HOPEX Project Portfolio Management (PPM)WorkflowWindows and Web Front-EndJava error when running transition 'Archive Candidate Project' on Project
43137Case 00100355HOPEX V4.0 CP30-All ProductsMigration /UpdateWeb Front-EndUnexpected compilation error (DiagramTypePath AM3R Association)
44372Case 00101190HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DiagramWeb Front-EndIncorrect ownership link when using floating toolbar
41798Case 000987837.87 cp060-All ProductsImport VisioWindows and Web Front-EndError when importing Visio document (Language Arabic)
35270Case 000944247.87 cp061 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)QueryWeb Front-EndIssue with query 'Proposed Content of a Message Flow'
44243Case 00101121HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)ReportWeb Front-EndUnexpected position for currency symbol in report 'Top 10 most expensive applications'
41226Case 000994069.00 CP031 - HOPEX Business Architecture & Strategic Planning (BASP)DesktopWeb Front-EndCannot display diagram in right pane (profile IT Business Manager)
45673Case 00102078HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)AssessmentWindows and Web Front-EndUnexpected list of Application properties in wizard Creation of Assessment Session (Fill data on Application)
38215Case 000973017.87 cp061 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)Property PageWeb Front-EndIncorrect behavior in wizard 'Wizard Add Owned Class of Component Specification'
39388Case 000986167.87 cp05 hf142 - HOPEX Datamart (HDT)Windows Front-EndError when initializing data of Datamart
37980Case 00097905HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX Enterprise Risk Management (ERMW)Property PageWeb Front-EndNeed to refresh list manually after creation of Business Document
34711Case 000953037.87 cp061 - HOPEX DoDAF2 (HDOD2)WorkflowWeb Front-EndWorkflow Request For Change does not consider IT Peripheral Device
41540Case 00099774HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Instant ReportWeb Front-EndIncorrect display in Bubble chart (Instance Report, Values truncated on Y axis)
34780Case 000949167.87 cp061 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)TilesWeb Front-EndUnexpected display for Tiles 'IT Servers'
33103Case 000942937.87 cp060-All ProductsWeb AdministrationWeb Front-EndUnexpected behaviors in web administration desktop (Repository Heath, tree)
40542Case 00099198HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DiagramWeb Front-EndProtocol name is not displayed on Technical communication Line (Application Technical Architecture)
39797Case 00098864HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)Property PageWeb Front-EndCannot sort list 'Sent Checklists' (Control Execution Follow up)
38820Case 00098214HOPEX V4.0 CP31 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)WizardWeb Front-EndRelational diagram is not complete after synchronization (logical to physical)
39396Case 000985547.87 cp061 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)Property PageWeb Front-EndCannot connect Communication EndPoint to Communication Port
34997Case 000954917.87 cp061 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)ReportWeb Front-EndCannot add Aggregation Schema in report 'Process Aggregation'
44789Case 001014129.00 CP032 - HOPEX Customer Journey (HCJ)DiagramWeb Front-EndUnexpected style for links between steps in Customer Journey Map (rounded angles)
41815Case 000989499.00 CP031 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)ReportWeb Front-EndHide compatibility option 'Activate V2 VB reports'