To complete the patch installation procedure, it is necessary to upgrade yours environments. This can be done by using the Administration tool.

WorkItem IDSupport NumbersProduct VersionProductSubSystemFront EndProblem Synopsys
51053Case 001051699.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)WizardWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior in wizard 'Adding Application Technical Area' (multi select)
46133Case 001020919.00 CP05<any>Windows and Web Front-EndReview message displayed when saving diagram drawing
54380Case 001073729.00 CP05<any>Authentication and Security (Web)Security
51073Case 001041029.00 CP051 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)Web Front-EndError when executing assessment session (specific scenario)
54522Case 001074169.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)Property PageCannot view easily assigned Profiles from a Person (profile 'IT Architecture Functional Administrator')
55310Case 001080009.00 CP051 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)DiagramWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior regarding dependencies between Application data area
50949Case 00105308HOPEX V4.0 CP51 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)WizardWeb Front-EndImprove documentation of feature Initialize Business Dictionary from logical Data'
51281Case 001052337.87 cp05 hf240-All ProductsAuthentication and Security (Web)Web Front-EndUnexpected authentication errors (UAS, SSO)
55064Case 001077419.00 CP04 hf080-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndCache properties and links for better performances (property pages...)
54285Case 001042609.00 CP051 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)ReportWeb Front-EndCannot generate RACI report (specific data)
55698Case 00107970HOPEX V4.0 CP51 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Report (MS Word)Web Front-EndException error when generating a report (specific scenario)
55688Case 001078079.00 CP05<any>Windows and Web Front-EndUnexpected time to open Report
51397Case 001045549.00 CP051 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DesktopWeb Front-EndProfile Process Viewer Lite can modify an Organizational Process
55168Case 001061629.00 CP051 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DesktopWeb Front-EndCannot prevent action Remove of Org-unit from Library (custom data)
53577Case 001068609.00 CP05<any>AssessmentWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior with feature 'Schedule checklist' (incorrect steering calendar)
54192Case 001071499.00 CP05<any>Web Front-EndGraphlQL: Parser misinterprets AND/OR clauses
56040Case 001085059.00 CP050-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior in listview
51019Case 001048499.00 CP051 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)Web Site (Creation, Generation...)Web Front-EndChange of HTML descriptor are not saved
48763Case 001039469.00 CP051 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)DesktopWeb Front-EndIncorrect filtering in list (column 'Control key' boolean)
48994Case 00104173,Case 001078419.00 CP050-All ProductsAuthentication and Security (Web)Web Front-EndConnection link does not enable to login in certain situations (share as email, person group)
55555Case 001080769.00 CP051 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)TranslationWeb Front-EndIncorrect translation in report 'Data map breakdown (French language)
56015Case 00108460HOPEX V4.0 CP50-All ProductsWeb Site (Creation, Generation...)Web Front-EndUnexpected sort for data properties in index pages (Add-on HOPEX360)
51380Case 000997949.00 CP05<any>Unexpected behavior of wizard 'Creation of Message Flow' (option 'Activate variations')
53318Case 00106354HOPEX V4.0 CP50-All ProductsWeb Site (Creation, Generation...)Web Front-EndInformation not displayed in Application page (HOPEX360, impacts)
52098Case 001053329.00 CP050-All ProductsInstant ReportWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior with filters on Instant report
55416Case 00108029V5.0<any>Incorrect display in Business Capabilities Tree (HOPEX 360, language 'Thaï')
55809Case 001082049.00 CP051 - HOPEX Archimate (HAM)Web Front-EndBehavior of delete is not consistent (del key and R click > Remove)
52045Case 00106014HOPEX V4.0 CP51 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)Web Front-EndIncorrect section in Online documentation (Solution ITPM, French language)
54232Case 001057569.00 CP04 hf05<any>Memory error when running synchronization 'Logical to Physical'
47881Case 001029749.00 CP051 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)ReportWeb Front-EndOrder of entry parameters is not considered (TreeSet Definition)
54472Case 001074329.00 CP05<any>Instant ReportCannot create Instant Report with type 'Exchange between Applications'
55129Case 00107313,Case 001079019.00 CP051 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DiagramWeb Front-EndOption 'Diagram editor grid' is not considered when creating 'Organizational Process Diagram'
46102Case 001023149.00 CP050-All ProductsReport (MS Word)Windows and Web Front-EndUnexpected style in generated Report (MS word) (custom template, alignment)
52402Case 001040319.00 CP04 hf021 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)WorkflowWeb Front-EndIncorrect behavior when configuring CRUD permissions in the context of Set of UI Access Right x Perspective
55913Case 001079239.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DiagramWeb Front-EndUnexpected naming of 'Capability Compositions' (Business Capability Decomposition Tree Diagram)
52273Case 001060897.87 cp06 hf070-All ProductsWizardWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior in wizard Connecting (filter)
52990Case 001065389.00 CP051 - HOPEX Business Architecture & Strategic Planning (BASP)DesktopWindows and Web Front-EndInconsistency in technology standard value and workflow
44891Case 001014139.00 CP051 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DiagramWeb Front-EndUnexpected display in customer journey map (order of steps)
55811Case 001083639.00 CP051 - HOPEX Archimate (HAM)Web Front-EndObject deletion does not propagate to all relationship types in the same way
52750Case 001062649.00 CP050-All ProductsMigration /UpdateWeb Front-EndUnexpected compilation error (DiagramTypePath)
53952Case 001069689.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DiagramWindows and Web Front-EndCommunication format is not displayed in certain DiagramTypes
54657Case 001071249.00 CP050-All ProductsAssessmentWeb Front-EndWarning regarding Questionnaire Builder persists despite installation
52966Case 00106355,Case 00105642HOPEX V4.0 CP50-All ProductsWeb Site (Creation, Generation...)Windows Front-EndIncorrect processing of multiple hierarchy (HOPEX360, Business Capability)
52565Case 001061969.00 CP03 hf100-All ProductsDiagramWeb Front-EndUnexpected freeze of diagram
52131Case 001053379.00 CP051 - HOPEX DoDAF2 (HDOD2)DiagramWeb Front-EndImprove update of Application Technical Area Architecture Diagram
46456Case 001008769.00 CP050-All ProductsDesktopUnexpected display of menu Item
45656Case 001019859.00 CP051 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)DatasetWindows Front-EndUnexpected error when connecting Query in Report Dataset Definition
50121Case 001046659.00 CP051 - HOPEX Enterprise Risk Management (ERMW)Property PageWeb Front-EndCannot delete Risk Type (specific scenario)
55358Case 001080319.00 CP051 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)DesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected display when selecting colored shapes (Logical Data Map)
51372Case 001056157.87 cp06 hf070-All ProductsWizardWeb Front-EndCannot use filters when adding an existing object to a diagram
49815Case 00104556HOPEX V4.0 CP51 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)DesktopWindows and Web Front-EndView Diagram button missing in floating toolbar (specific CRUD configuration)
52274Case 001059629.00 CP051 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)Property PageWeb Front-EndLoading of checklist is not reliable
53487Case 001068579.00 CP050-All ProductsTreeWeb Front-EndRename title of property page
53238Case 001066739.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected display in property page (filtering for column of list)
55878Case 001083969.00 CP05<any>Analyse de trad - xml généré -> problèmes avec code templates et tagged values
57055Case 00108536HOPEX V4.0 CP5<any>Web Site (Creation, Generation...)Windows and Web Front-EndImprove display of filters (HOPEX 360, other languages than English)
51608Case 001048399.00 CP04 hf041 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)AssessmentWeb Front-EndIncorrect display for reports 'Execution results' and 'Assessments results'
49636Case 001042939.00 CP050-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior in Dispatch wizard (Web Front-end)
44683Case 001010259.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DesktopWeb Front-EndEmpty page when opening tile 'Application Environment'
53099Case 001060349.00 CP050-All ProductsImport/Export ExcelWindows Front-EndError on Search Name (indexed) for system base items
52248Case 001060169.00 CP04 hf011 - HOPEX Database Buider (DBB)WizardWeb Front-EndError during reverse of database (not enough storage is available)
55948Case 001083087.87 cp06 hf08<any>Web Front-EndCertain GraphQL requests are not processed or time out
57527Case 001090889.00 CP04 hf110-All ProductsAuthentication and Security (Web)Web Front-EndSecurity
55124Case 001078349.00 CP051 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Property PageWeb Front-EndSpecific display of property page is not consistent (Designer Org-unit, Organizational Process)
54445Case 001074009.00 CP050-All ProductsAssessmentWeb Front-EndScript error when answering questionnaire (specific scenario)
54744Case 001076589.00 CP051 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)DiagramWindows and Web Front-EndError with DiagramTypeParam UML Class Diagram
53364Case 001059009.00 CP051 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)ReportWeb Front-EndCannot export Report 'Profile Permission template' to Excel
51044Case 001045959.00 CP04 hf021 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DesktopWeb Front-EndCannot open diagram easily for specific objects
52252Case 001059909.00 CP050-All ProductsWindows and Web Front-EndReview command lines of standard Profiles
56405Case 001086469.00 CP050-All ProductsWeb AdministrationWeb Front-EndReview Questionnaire builder installation with certain deployment models
53460Case 00106778,Case 00106886,Case 001067609.00 CP04 hf030-All ProductsWindows Front-EndError when creating environment
55642Case 001082509.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)ReportWeb Front-EndWidget 'Application by state (AO) cannot run
53169Case 001066569.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)Property PageWeb Front-EndSpelling error (BDNA dropdown menu)
54488Case 001067869.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)ReportWeb Front-EndUnexpected display for Applications TIME Report (inverted x,y values in bubble chart)
55053Case 001078659.00 CP051 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Import/Export BPMNWeb Front-EndUnexpected file name when exporting Business Process to BPMN (language 'Thaï')
51047Case 001051239.00 CP051 - HOPEX Business Architecture & Strategic Planning (BASP)DesktopWeb Front-EndMissing values for Org-Unit Type
52472Case 001024899.00 CP04 hf010-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior with search by object type (Thaï language)
56645Case 001072119.00 CP05<any>Web Front-EndCannot export DataSet to Excel (secure context)
537029.00 CP050-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndError when saving new query (specific profiles)
54230Case 00107222V5.0<any>Web Site (Creation, Generation...)Web Front-EndIncorrect behavior in HOPEX360 web site (Business capability Map, filters)
55016Case 001078039.00 CP04 hf070-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndCannot undo change in property pane (text property)
48429Case 001035559.00 CP050-All ProductsScheduller / TriggerWindows Front-EndUnexpected job in environment created from scratch
53044Case 001057569.00 CP051 - HOPEX Database Buider (DBB)WizardWindows Front-EndMemory error during synchronization physical to logical (class unnamed...)
53482Case 001033959.00 CP050-All ProductsCollaborationWeb Front-EndUnespected display of annotated fields in Review Notes (_GUIName is not considered)
48999Case 001041567.87 cp05 hf241 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior when sorting a specific list
51389Case 001054039.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)DesktopWeb Front-EndImprove refreshing of tab Activity feed
53728Case 001065469.00 CP05<any>Web Front-EndControl to library link not available for 'Digital Transformation Functional Admin'
53251Case 001065169.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)ReportWeb Front-EndIT Infrastructure x Application Technical Area Required Software Technologies Report does not work
52115Case 001059289.00 CP03 hf090-All ProductsAuthentication and SecurityWeb Front-EndUnexpected login issue (UAS)
53096Case 001065399.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)DesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected display of specific MetaAttributes
54809Case 001071519.00 CP050-All ProductsInstant ReportWeb Front-EndInstant Report does consider GUI name for MetaAssociationEnd
54323Case 001072499.00 CP051 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)Property PageWeb Front-EndCannot initialize a value in a listview
56346Case 001086949.00 CP04 hf091 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)ReportWeb Front-EndCannot generate Gantt chart of application (Application Development Lifecycle)
46536Case 001026299.00 CP050-All ProductsWindows Front-EndError invalid image file XX.EBF when displaying Profile Assignment
57070Case 001089519.00 CP04 hf12<any>WizardWeb Front-EndError with SQL Generation (DB2, modification mode)