To complete the patch installation procedure, it is necessary to upgrade yours environments. This can be done by using the Administration tool.

WorkItem IDSupport NumbersProduct VersionProductSubSystemFront EndProblem Synopsys
62055Case 001125739.00 CP060-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndCannot prevent in-place edit for multi select in web lists
62134Case 001119879.00 CP060-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected sort in web list (specific languages such as Russian)
58341Case 001101279.00 CP061 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)AssessmentWeb Front-EndUnexpected generation of checklist (execute at start date/hour)
44567Case 001012167.87 cp070-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndError when running query (Query assistant, _GUIName for MetaAssociationEnd)
61440Case 001120569.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)WizardWeb Front-EndUnexpected error when clicking on 'Lookup in Technopedia' (Creation of Software Technology)
44742Case 001014177.87 cp070-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndCannot customize Desktop to hide toolbar icon 'Share breadcrumb'
56096Case 001072159.00 CP062 - HOPEX Power Supervisor (SUP)WizardWeb Front-EndObjects related to the object assignments in wizard 'Transfer responsibilities'
57075Case 001070069.00 CP061 - HOPEX Business Architecture (HBAS)CollaborationWeb Front-EndUnexpected display in notification of Request for Change
59343Case 001105339.00 CP05 hf030-All ProductsAssessmentWindows and Web Front-EndIncorrect questionnaire (specific step, checklist)
69290Case 001172949.00 CP061 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)Property PageWeb Front-EndText 'SQL Definition is not available' in properties of stored procedure
64898Case 001105399.00 CP061 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)TranslationWeb Front-EndTranslation errors (language 'Dutch')
61086Case 001122519.00 CP060-All ProductsWizardWeb Front-EndCannot merge Software Technology objects twice in a row
53998Case 001063449.00 CP061 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DiagramWeb Front-EndUnable to open certain System Process Diagrams
58888Case 001106249.00 CP05 hf010-All ProductsCollaborationWindows and Web Front-EndIncorrect notification email with feature share (GUI language French, Data Language French)
60902Case 001121529.00 CP060-All ProductsWorkflowWeb Front-EndPrevent cancellation of workflow action during execution of transition
59795Case 001113659.00 CP060-All ProductsDiagramWeb Front-EndIncorrect display in Shape and Details
63822Case 001132799.00 CP060-All ProductsWorkflowWeb Front-EndCannot create a Business document (Russian Char.)
60511Case 001117609.00 CP06<any>Windows Front-EndUnexpected error while importing repository logfile in Hopex
58727Case 001101519.00 CP061 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected display of Indicators in properties of Operation
57536Case 001076929.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)Property PageWindows and Web Front-EndDuplicate property pages (IT Service, Application Technical Architecture)
52613Case 001062419.00 CP06<any>Do not display menu items related to edition of diagrams for Viewer/Contributor profiles
58492Case 001102689.00 CP060-All ProductsTranslationWeb Front-EndIncorrect translation for MetaAttribute 'Requirement Code (language Italian)
66597Case 001155819.00 CP061 - HOPEX Archimate (HAM)WizardWeb Front-EndName entered is not considered when creating object (Archimate)
67035Case 001148079.00 CP061 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DesktopWeb Front-EndIncorrect behavior when updating owner object from property page
59890Case 001114299.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)Web Front-EndUnexpected update permission (profile Application Viewer)
65227Case 001129459.00 CP060-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndIncorrect display of text value for item of listview
68902Case 001064219.00 CP060-All ProductsAssessmentWindows and Web Front-EndIncorrect processing of special char. in generated notification (Assessment Session)
52173Case 001059197.87 cp071 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)Property PageIncorrect display of button Next when answering questionnaire (profile GRC Contributor (lite))
57432Case 001091839.00 CP061 - HOPEX Business Architecture & Strategic Planning (BASP)QueryWeb Front-EndCannot add Exhibited Capabilities to a Project Transformation Purpose
58489Case 001102629.00 CP061 - HOPEX Database Buider (DBB)WizardWeb Front-EndSession becomes instable after realization of class (large volume of data)
57162Case 001080329.00 CP061 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)TreeWindows and Web Front-EndCannot display popup menu (Tree 'Home', Constraint, Issue)
66413Case 001155639.00 CP060-All ProductsWizardWeb Front-EndExcel Template is downloaded twice
63504Case 001077319.00 CP061 - HOPEX Internal Audit (MIAW)Property PageWeb Front-EndTime Sheet display issue
56934Case 001087129.00 CP061 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)AssessmentWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior when filling questionnaire
65093Case 001148349.00 CP061 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)Windows and Web Front-EndCannot set 'Add to Instant Reports' to 'Always' in Data Source Parameter of a Report Template
585309.00 CP04 hf15<any>Be able to open a public workspace in addition to a private workspace
63219Case 001107639.00 CP060-All ProductsWeb Site (Creation, Generation...)Web Front-EndScheduler does not consider the [Filter-Available] configuration
59503Case 001088899.00 CP060-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndDisplay issue regarding data language in Main Menu
60536Case 001119869.00 CP061 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)Property PageWeb Front-EndIncorrect display of Term (Language Russian)
64668Case 001146679.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DesktopWeb Front-EndCannot create Business Line from left menu (Profile ITPM Functional Administrator)
59729Case 001113199.00 CP06<any>Improve Repair feature (Blob, archived logs)
66853Case 001150219.00 CP062 - HOPEX Project Portfolio Management (PPM)ReportWeb Front-EndCannot run report
54209Case 001072059.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)DesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior when opening desktop (link to a specific object)
65156Case 001147699.00 CP061 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)Property PageWeb Front-EndMissing properties for Interaction/Exchange Contract
61681Case 00112476,Case 001158229.00 CP061 - HOPEX Database Buider (DBB)WizardWindows and Web Front-EndSQL Mask in not considered (Name of FK, Name of FK index)
44232Case 001008917.87 cp070-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior with custom columns in web list
45022Case 001014367.87 cp070-All ProductsDatasetWeb Front-EndMetaClass _GUIName is not considered in full search result page
67452Case 001140119.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DatasetWeb Front-EndUnexpected processing of char. square bracket when generating Report Dataset
58471Case 001101969.00 CP04 hf150-All ProductsDiagramWeb Front-EndImprove robustness when viewing diagrams (preview, dive, process deadlock)
60130Case 001080259.00 CP060-All ProductsDatasetWeb Front-EndUnexpected display for Report Dataset (Metaclass sensitivity)
58177Case 001096299.00 CP05 hf030-All ProductsImport XMIWeb Front-EndCannot import XMI (specific data)
57641Case 001094039.00 CP04 hf131 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DiagramWeb Front-EndServer error when using feature 'Add/remove space' in Diagram editor (specific data)
62516Case 00113066HOPEX V4.0 CP61 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)DesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected display in tree 'Home' (Application System hierarchy)
53278Case 001061269.00 CP05 hf030-All ProductsWeb Site (Creation, Generation...)Web Front-EndIn web site page on diagram, status indicator is missing (Indicate objects described by a diagram)
67000Case 001156489.00 CP060-All ProductsWeb ConnectionWeb Front-EndCannot login with profile HOPEX Customizer (specific data, white page)
61439Case 001125729.00 CP060-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior for Packages in tree 'Home'
58767Case 001102039.00 CP05 hf040-All ProductsLicencingWeb Front-EndIncorrect licence execution (specific case with dedicated licence)
58430Case 001089499.00 CP060-All ProductsWeb Front-EndSnapshots not usable with time machine feature
62599Case 001133699.00 CP06<any>Web Front-EndUnexpected display for property 'Data volume' on MetaClass
66397Case 001132839.00 CP062 - HOPEX Project Portfolio Management (PPM)Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected display for field 'Project category' in Project properties (language 'Russian')
62121Case 001126569.00 CP061 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)Property PageWeb Front-EndNeed to trigger refresh of property page on workflow update
62461Case 001131349.00 CP061 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Report (MS Word)Web Front-EndStyleref error message in Header and Footer of Report (MS Word)
66589Case 001156409.00 CP061 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)DesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior in tree Hierarchy of databases
64240Case 001137989.00 CP061 - HOPEX Archimate (HAM)DesktopWeb Front-EndObjects are not systematically duplicated during copy/paste
50527Case 001050427.87 cp070-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior with display of warning (HelpCommentDelay, configured at desktop level)
60412Case 001117669.00 CP060-All ProductsProperty PageWeb Front-EndSlow time to display tooltip
61361Case 001113999.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)ReportWeb Front-EndSlow time when re-opening specific reports
58068Case 001099069.00 CP062 - HOPEX Project Portfolio Management (PPM)WizardWeb Front-EndUnexpected name and icon for typed Project Deliverable
66191Case 001152659.00 CP060-All ProductsWeb Front-EndRobustness improvement (process execution)
61977Case 001123589.00 CP06<any>Unable to do our SQL row merge after recalculation of the triggered attribute due to too much deletion of SP_CONSOLIDATE
66994Case 001155859.00 CP060-All ProductsWeb Site (Creation, Generation...)Windows and Web Front-EndNo link generated by static web site for Application Flow in Global Application Flow Map diagram
56903Case 001081409.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DiagramWeb Front-EndCannot express location of Resource Architecture in the Resource Architecture Environment Diagram
62053Case 001126809.00 CP061 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)Web Front-EndError with API IsSessionOpen
58706Case 001101647.85 up03 cp07 hf130-All ProductsMigration /UpdateWindows Front-EndOwner link lost during migration from HOPEX V2 to HOPEX V2R1
59966Case 001113789.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)Property PageWeb Front-EndIncorrect display after switching profile
63314Case 001089189.00 CP06<any>Property PageWeb Front-EndCannot remove Person (System) (profile 'Digital Transformation Architect', properties of Application)
60757Case 001117469.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DiagramWeb Front-EndUnexpected CPU use (specific action)
58818Case 00110365,Case 001124289.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)Instant ReportWeb Front-EndCannot generate instant report for one Application
63330Case 001124449.00 CP062 - HOPEX Project Portfolio Management (PPM)ReportWeb Front-EndIncorrect display in report 'Project Gantt Chart' (Milestones progress)
63085Case 001137019.00 CP061 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)DiagramWindows and Web Front-EndUnexpected behavior when creating Data Map Diagram (initialization, data populated by Excel/MGR)
58280Case 00110091HOPEX V4.0 CP61 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)ReportWeb Front-EndIncorrect display with report 'Terms of Business Glossary'
66742Case 001157219.00 CP061 - HOPEX General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Property PageWeb Front-EndProperties 'Risk' are not populated automatically on Processing Activity
60728Case 001120689.00 CP060-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior with profile 'User Management Web Administrator'
60961Case 001121979.00 CP060-All ProductsWindows and Web Front-EndUnexpected scope for deletion of Person (System)
67597Case 001150049.00 CP060-All ProductsWindows and Web Front-EndCannot login to HOPEX (session is not open, trusted_connection)
57788Case 001095719.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Risk Management (ITGRC)Property PageWeb Front-EndUnexpected name for new assessment session
62138Case 001113079.00 CP061 - HOPEX Database Buider (DBB)DiagramWindows and Web Front-EndMissing PK after database reverse PostGreSQL
61699Case 00112740HOPEX V4.0 CP60-All ProductsTranslationWeb Front-EndMissing translation (Language German)
58700Case 001103689.00 CP05 hf011 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)DiagramWeb Front-EndImprove management of participant and pool with feature 'Add/remove space'
62003Case 001119319.00 CP061 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Web Front-EndUnexpected characters when in Instant report of type Table (text with bulleted list)
58127Case 001099149.00 CP060-All ProductsLicencingWeb Front-EndImproved message when max concurrent licence is reached
56642Case 001088839.00 CP060-All ProductsInstant ReportWeb Front-EndFilters missing on Instant report 'Exchange between applications'
61451Case 001124309.00 CP061 - HOPEX Database Buider (DBB)Import/Export ExcelWindows and Web Front-EndAvoid timeout when selecting items in Excel export wizard
57759Case 001088299.00 CP061 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)DesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected display of button 'Remove' (multi select, Read permission)
66758Case 001155649.00 CP061 - HOPEX Internal Control (ICM)Property PageWeb Front-EndCannot see comment of a question for a Questionnaire (Presentation Mode 'Group by assessment context')
66938Case 001157709.00 CP06<any>Web Front-EndCannot update object property (random)
61783Case 001043809.00 CP061 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Import/Export ExcelWeb Front-EndUnexpected error when importing data in Excel (links, language Russian)
68885Case 001165089.00 CP060-All ProductsWeb Front-EndImprove upload (specific WAF configuration)
62468Case 001133689.00 CP061 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Report (MS Word)Web Front-EndSpelling error for Report template (MS Word) name
67575Case 001161219.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Architecture V2 (HITA)DiagramWeb Front-EndUnexpected display of candidate content in wizard 'Creation of Application Flow'
62993Case 001133039.00 CP061 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)DatasetWindows Front-EndTarget MetaClass is not initialized (wizard 'Connecting, Query)
61684Case 001125029.00 CP061 - HOPEX General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Property PageWeb Front-EndCannot update properties of Processing Activity (profile 'Application Owner')
52181Case 001060189.00 CP060-All ProductsWeb Site (Creation, Generation...)Windows Front-EndSlow performance with API OpenEX
66993Case 00115781,Case 001173079.00 CP060-All ProductsWeb Front-EndMails are not sent (SMTPS, TLS 1.2)
57509Case 001092389.00 CP060-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected query result (query implemented by Macro)
48978Case 001036147.87 cp070-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndThe floating toolbar is not systematically displayed in list (HTML browser zoom rate 100%)
59959Case 001114529.00 CP061 - HOPEX Database Buider (DBB)WizardWeb Front-EndRemove command New in page 'General - Impacts'
63169Case 001137979.00 CP060-All ProductsDesktopWeb Front-EndUnexpected date/time for private workspace
54775Case 001074249.00 CP060-All ProductsWeb Site (Creation, Generation...)Web Front-EndCannot ensure consistent display of font in static web site (restrictive policy)
66943Case 001157159.00 CP061 - HOPEX Business Proces Analysis (HBPA)Import/Export BPMNWeb Front-EndCannot export Value Chain to BPMN (specific data)
59774Case 001171509.00 CP06<any>Wrong generation of Excel report 'CNIL format'
64907Case 001146979.00 CP061 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)ReportWeb Front-EndUnexpected behavior in Matrix Realization of Business Information (Class x Concept)
58659Case 001119749.00 CP06<any>Authentication and Security (Web)Security
58169Case 001098629.00 CP04 hf150-All ProductsWeb ConnectionWeb Front-EndImprove of multi-session with Person Groups login
47315Case 001028439.00 CP060-All ProductsWeb Site (Creation, Generation...)Web Front-EndImprove robustness regarding diagram edition
55707Case 001082019.00 CP061 - HOPEX Archimate (HAM)DiagramWindows and Web Front-EndUnexpected name for diagram describing Archimate View
61870Case 001126629.00 CP06<any>Unexpected use of licence token (command line with /RO)
59530Case 001095879.00 CP06<any>Repair of archival BLOB (ChangeItems)
67594Case 001163069.00 CP060-All ProductsDatasetWeb Front-EndImprove GraphSet (enable to invoke entry point request)
64804Case 001146629.00 CP060-All ProductsWindows Front-EndCannot consolidate repository log (error related to archived log)
61358Case 001119019.00 CP060-All ProductsWeb Front-EndReview compilation of permissions to avoir unexpected de-compilation
60691Case 001116199.00 CP061 - HOPEX Enterprise Risk Management (ERMW)ReportWeb Front-EndError when running report 'Business capability Map Breakdown' (specific data)
60549Case 001117839.00 CP060-All ProductsImport/Export ExcelError when exporting to Excel (row 65'538)
65143Case 001145779.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)ReportWeb Front-EndUnexpected display in Gantt Chart
61244Case 001123949.00 CP061 - HOPEX Power Studio (MTS2)WorkflowWindows Front-EndError when creating Workflow Action
61215Case 001123479.00 CP061 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)WizardWindows and Web Front-EndError when importing Excel file (large file, Realization of Data Component)
62987Case 001136019.00 CP061 - HOPEX Database Buider (DBB)DesktopWindows and Web Front-EndIncorrect name for field (Wizard 'Enter SQL Mask name', Name unicity)
63374Case 001139879.00 CP060-All ProductsLicencingWeb Front-EndUnexpected distribution of license token with Must licence
60107Case 001114179.00 CP05 hf050-All ProductsInstant ReportWeb Front-EndUnexpected sort in instant report (Group by)
46611Case 001026159.00 CP060-All ProductsReport (MS Word)Windows and Web Front-EndDeletion if Report (MS Word) is not complete (file is not deleted)
60223Case 001113189.00 CP06<any>Web Front-EndSection [Filter-Available] is considered after compilation of permissions
57843Case 001094859.00 CP061 - HOPEX IT Portfolio Management (APM)AssessmentWeb Front-EndUnexpected display for Heatmap report (Assessment of Application)
50180Case 001048017.87 cp070-All ProductsImport/Export (HOPEX Files)Web Front-EndCannot setup a new query when selecting object to export (wizard mode)
59643Case 001109879.00 CP060-All ProductsAuthentication and Security (Web)Web Front-EndSecurity
70175Case 001164179.00 CP06<any>Blob error root cause
61351Case 001108779.00 CP060-All ProductsAuthentication and SecurityWeb Front-EndWriting Access Area no set (dynamic creation, SAML2)
62867Case 001125009.00 CP061 - HOPEX Information Architecture (INFA)DiagramWindows and Web Front-EndIncorrect display of PK columns in Relational Data Area Table Diagram
59353Case 001106267.87 cp07<any>Windows and Web Front-EndIncorrect header of matrix (desktop HOPEX Explorer)